Intern - AI Telegram Summarizer

Preset summary commands

Tailored for crypto groupchats. Get the discussions about projects and generate fundamental insights or technical analysis.

Custom requests

Get the exact info you need. Ask it to get you relevant links, discussions about a specific topic, or quotes from a specific user.

Automated reports every 24h

No need to ask for a summary. Get a daily report of the most important discussions in your group chat.

Start using right away

Invite @smartIntern to your group chat. No need to sign up or create an account. Let it listen for a while and start asking for summaries.

About Intern

How does Intern work?

Intern analyzes the content of your group chat in real-time using AI technology. It picks up on key topics and generates summaries based on the context and commands given. It starts working from the moment it is added to a group chat, ensuring that only new messages are processed for summaries.

What are the commands Intern uses?

Certainly, Intern operates with two primary commands: `/summarize` prompts the bot to provide a summary based on preset or custom parameters at any given moment. `/automated_summary` sets the bot to send an automated summary of the day’s conversation every 24 hours.

Is Intern free to use?

Yes, Intern is free. There are no charges for adding the bot to your chat and using its summarization features.

Does Intern store messages?

Intern temporarily stores messages for a duration of 24 hours to generate accurate daily summaries. After this period, all messages are automatically deleted. No other data is retained, ensuring user privacy and data security.

Made by @0xtahin. Contact for any questions.